Influence of the collection and transport of specimens on the recovery of bacteria from peritonsillar abscesses

In 30 patients with peritonsillar abscesses, pus was obtained by aspiration and by taking a swab after incision; bacterial recovery was compared. Although processed in the laboratory within 2 h, swab speciments gave results comparable to syringe specimens in only 9 of 13 patients with beta-hemolytic streptococci and 7 of 25 patients with anaerobic bacteria. Both kinds of microorganisms were lost in some cases but appeared as additional flora in others. The poor results from the swab technique was ascribed to overgrowth of respiratory flora contaminating the sample after incision. In aspirated pus kept in the syringe, or transferred to anaerobic transporters, the microbial flora was unchanged for 24 to 48 h. Some anaerobes also survived on agar slants for 24 h, but specially designed anaerobic transporters are recommended.