Temperature dependence of the magnetization of aBi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δsingle crystal close toTc

The magnetization M(T,H) of a Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 O8+δ single crystal has been measured above and below the superconducting transition temperature in externally applied magnetic fields H up to 50 kOe for Hc. We find that M(T,H) is independent of H at a particular temperature T* for external fields exceeding 10 Oe, and exhibits a two-dimensional (2D) scaling behavior as a function of [T-Tc(H)]/(HT)1/2. The parameters ξab(0)≊21.4 Å and ξc(0)≊0.4 Å are estimated from fitting the experimental data to a full Lawrence-Doniach model calculation of the fluctuation-induced magnetic susceptibility. From the same analysis, we obtain dHc2/dT≊-14 kOe/K in the range 5 kOeH