A correlative study of duodenal aspirate and faeces examination in giardiasis, before and after treatment with metronidazole

SummaryIn a study of 95 patients with giardiasis it was shown that examination of duodenal aspirates for Giardia Lamblia can supplement but not replace examination of faeces in the detection and follow-up of cases. The chances of finding trophozoites in duodenal aspirate is greater in those with trophozoites in the faeces thanincyst passers. Patients were treated with metronidazole in either conventional dosage {400 mg. t.d.s. for 7 days) or with a single ‘hammer dose’ of 2400 mg. Results showed that the parasites may persist in the duodenum and faeces after conventional therapy, though the incidence was not very high; and it is suggested that a single large dose of metronidazole may be equally if not more effective than divided doses spread over a few days.