In vivo mapping of fractional plasma volume (fpv) and endothelial transfer coefficient (Kps) in solid tumors using a macromolecular contrast agent: Correlation with histology and ultrastructure

Contrast‐enhanced MRI, immunostaining and electron microscopy were used to detect areas of intense angiogenesis in experimental tumors. This work was also aimed at evaluating the possible effect of the surrounding tissues on tumor microvasculature and at studying the penetration of macromolecules in avascular areas. Human colon carcinoma cells were implanted in subcutaneous tissue of nude mice. Dynamic T1‐weigthed 3D pulse sequences were acquired before and after administration of Gd‐DTPA‐albumin to obtain parametric maps of fractional plasma volume (fpv) and transendothelial permeability (Kps). The maps suggested that tumor can be subdivided into 4 zones located in the peripheral rim (zones I–II) or in the core (zones III–IV) of the tumor itself. Significant differences (pppin vivo zones characterized by immunocytochemical and ultrastructural aspects of intense angiogenesis. The finding that a certain amount of contrast agent penetrates in the tumoral core suggests that high oncotic and hydrostatic pressure only partially hinders the penetration of macromolecules.