An X-Ray Diffraction Study of CaNi5 Hydrides Using In Situ Hydriding and Profile Fitting Methods

The CaNi5 system is unique among the AB5-H systems in that it exhibits three distinct hydrides (β, γ, δ) at pressures below 65 atm. (Sandrock et. al., 1982), The present diffraction study was designed to characterise these phases, only one of which has been previously studied. Nowotny (1942) gave lattice parameters for a number of AB5 (Haucke) phases including CaNi5. Takéuchi et al. (1966) gave parameters for CaNi5. Buschow (1974) reported on the entire Ca-Ni system. Oesterreicher et al. (1980) gave data on CaNi5 and CaNi5H5.5. Ensslen et al. (1981) indexed CaNi5H5.5 (γ-phase) as orthorhombic. Measurements made at NRC on one of the samples studied by Sandrock et. al (1982) and on three samples prepared at NRC are given in Table 1 together with the data from the literature. It is clear that there is a significant sample effect on the observed lattice parameters. It is well known that many AB5 compounds have a range of composition. To avoid variations due to sample effects it was decided to characterise the hydride phases on a single specimen.

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