NMR investigation of a structural phase transition and temperature-induced magnetism in copper thiospinelCuV2S4s

Metallic thiospinel CuV2 S4 transforms from the high-T cubic (HTC) crystal phase to a low-T tetragonal (LTT) phase below a transition temperature Tf =90 K. The electronic and magnetic properties of CuV2 S4 have been investigated with magnetic susceptibility χ, Knight shift K, and nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time T1 measurements between T=4.2 and 300 K at 78 MHz. With the phase transition from HTC to LTT, the d-spin hyperfine field of 51 V shows a large change from -29.4 to 2.5 kOe/μB and of 63 Cu from 19.5 to 11.9 kOe/μB . The small increase in χ and large increase in K2 T1 T above Tf are described by an energy band scheme of V3+ (d2 ) with a singlet ground state (S=0) and triplet first-excited state (S=1). A large Jahn-Teller local distortion in the LTT phase results in the singlet ground state. In the HTC phase, on the other hand, the distortion is so small as to allow a thermal excitation to the triplet state with an activation energy of ΔE≃13 meV.