Mann1has drawn attention to very rare instances in which human beings have demonstrated a tapetal-like reflex from the fundus oculi. Her 2 cases presented discrete bright yellow spots in the posterior polar region which seemed to be located deep to the retinal vessels. A similar fundus picture was described by Niccol2in the mother of 2 children with atrophic macular lesions. Falls and Cotterman3reported a family in which females presented the picture of a tapetal-like reflex and males developed typical retinitis pigmentosa. In all of the above cases the tapetal-like reflex appeared to be a benign lesion, with no defects in visual acuity or visual fields. It is the purpose of this communication to present 2 patients with tapetal-like reflexes in the fundi accompanied by defects in the visual fields. Report of Cases Case 1. —A 41-year-old white, married male of Greek origin was seen

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