Radiographic evaluation of esophagus immediately after pneumatic dilatation for achalasia

Forty-one (98%) of 42 patients with achalasia of the esophagus had pneumatic dilatation performed successfully using the Brown-McHardy dilator. One to four dilatations (mean, 1.9) were done on each patient with inflation pressures of 8–15 psi (mean, 11.1 psi). Immediately after the procedure, all patients were examined radiographically by injection of contrast material into the lower esophagus through a nasoesophageal tube. Two immediate and two delayed perforations occurred. Six intramural hematomas were noted, five of which resolved spontaneously. The luminal diameter at the esophagogastric junction increased from a mean of 4.2 mm before dilatation to 7.5 mm following treatment. Four patients with previous Heller myotomy were dilated without complications. Perforation was more common in patients with a minimal change in the esophagogastric diameter. Thirty-five patients (85%) improved symptomatically within several days following pneumatic dilatation. Excluding patients with perforation, the postdilatation appearance of the lower esophagus poorly correlated with clinical response.