Evidence of Heterozygosity in Parthenogenetic Turkeys from Homograft Responses

Summary Homografts of wattle and normal body skin from parthenogenetic Beltsville Small White turkey males to some of their progeny by unrelated females are rejected by a typical homograft reaction. The second set response to repeat grafts in the same combinations indicates that rejection of both sets was due to an active immunity acquired in response to the first set grafts. Rejection of some of the parthenogenetic sires'skin by their progeny offers strong evidence that the parthenogens are heterozygous for at least one pair of histocompatibility alleles. The importance of this finding is discussed in reference to 3 alternative cytological routes by which diploid male parthenogenetic turkeys might arise. The results would seem to eliminate suppression of an early cleavage division as a possible route since only homozygotes could thus be produced. Although suppression of meiosis II cannot be assumed a priori to be the route of origin it appears more likely than suppression of meiosis I.

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