Structure of Mitochondrial Dna From Paramecium Tetraurelia*

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from endosymbiote‐free stocks of Paramecium tetraurelia was isolated by 2 procedures. the buoyant density of the mtDNA in neutral CsCI was 1.702 gm/cm3. a value consistent with the melting temperature of the mtDNA. Only linear molecules were observed by electron microscopy. These molecules were homogeneous in size with a monomer molecular weight of 25.6 × 106 daltons. the size of the mtDNA determined after digestion with the restriction endonucleases EcoRI or Hind III agreed with the value obtained by electron microscopy. These studies also revealed that the digestion pattern of mtDNA from stock 172 differed from that of the other 3 stocks (51, 127. 203) examined. Some mtDNA molecules exhibited snapback reassociation following denaturation.