To identify the protein-tyrosine kinases that are expressed during chicken embyronic development, a 10-day chicken embryo cDNA expression library was screened with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies. Of the positive clones isolated, many encoded the same protein-tyrosine kinase, which we designate Cek1 (chicken embryo kinase 1). Its amino acid sequence suggests that the Cek1 protein is a transmembrane tyrosine kinase recognize, in immunoblotting experiments, two protein bands with apparent molecular weights of 100,000 and 110,000. The cek1 protein was detected in many chicken embryonic tissues, but not in the corresponding adult tissues (with the exception of brain). The Cek1 kinase appears to be very closely related to two protein-tyrosine kinases whose partial sequences have been recently determined, human Flg and mouse Bek. Cloning using anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies has allowed us to detect, in addition of Cek1, several other protein-tyrosine kinses that are expressed during chicken embryonic development, some of which have not been previously identified.