An AutoAnalyzer method for estimating serum glyceride glycerol using a glycerokinase procedure

THE GLYCERIDE GLYCEROL ANALYSIS DEPENDS, AFTER SAPONIFICATION OF TRIGLYCERIDES, ON A LINKED ENZYMATIC PROCEDURE USING GLYCEROKINASE, PYRUVATE KINASE, AND LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE: the final conversion of NADH to NAD(+) is followed fluorimetrically. Twenty analyses can be performed per hour on the AutoAnalyzer; recoveries of added triglycerides ranged between 90 and 104%. In a mixed male and female group the normal range for glyceride glycerol was 2.5 to 15.5 mg/100 ml (0.2-1.4 mmol/l) fasting, and 2.5 to 18.0 mg/100 ml (0.2-1.6 mmol/l) postprandially using fresh serum. There was a significant rise postprandially in older men.