Hypoglycemic Effect of Intraspinal Glucose Injection

The intraspinal injn. of 0.1 g. glucose in aqueous soln. after removal of an equivalent amt. of spinal fluid in dogs produces the anticipated increase in cerebrospinal sugar level, but at the same time a lowering of the blood sugar level reaching minimum values of 29-38 mg. % after 15 mins. The blood sugar returns to normal values by the end of 2 hrs. Control expts. prove that the effect is due to the glucose injn. and not to any of the other procedures involved. Parallel expts. were performed on 5 fasting normal human subjects with analogous results, the blood sugar ranging from 47-62 mg. % 15 mins. after intraspinal injn. of 0.2 g. glucose. The effect is attributed to direct chemical stimulation upon the glyco-regulatory nervous centers.

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