Development and Validation of a Massively Parallel Flow Solver for Turbomachinery Flows

The development and validation of the unsteady, three-dimensional, multiblock, parallel turbomachinery èow solver TFLO is presented. The unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations are solved using a cell- centereddiscretizationonarbitrarymultiblockmeshes.ThesolutionprocedureisbasedonefécientexplicitRunge- Kuttamethodswithseveralconvergenceaccelerationtechniquessuchasmultigrid,implicitresidualsmoothing,and localtimestepping.Thesolverisparallelized usingdomaindecomposition,asingleprogrammultipledatastrategy, and the message passing interface standard. Details of the communication scheme and load balancing algorithms arediscussed. A generaland efé cient procedure forparallel interblade row interfacingis developed. Thedual-time stepping technique is used to advance unsteady computations in time. The focus is on improving the parallel efé- ciency and scalability of the èow solver, as well as on its initial validation of steady-state calculations in multiblade rowenvironment.Theresultofthiscarefulimplementation isasolverwith demonstratedscalabilityupto1024pro- cessors.Forvalidationand veriécation purposes,resultsfromTFLOarecomparedwithbothexistingexperimental data and computational results from other computational èuid dynamics codes used in aircraft engine industry.