The 12C(alpha,gamma)16O Reaction Rate and the Evolution of Stars in the Mass Range 0.8 < M/M(sun) < 25

We discuss the influence of the 12C(alpha,gamma)16O$ reaction rate on the central He burning of stars in the mass range 0.8-25 Msun, as well as its effects on the explosive yields of a 25 Msun star of solar chemical composition. We find that the central He burning is only marginally affected by a change in this cross section within the currently accepted uncertainty range. The only (important) quantity which varies significantly is the amount of C left by the He burning. Since the C(alpha,gamma)16O is efficient in a convective core, we have also analyzed the influence of the convective mixing in determining the final C abundance left by the central He burning. Our main finding is that the adopted mixing scheme does not influence the final C abundance provided the outer border of the convective core remains essentially fixed (in mass) when the central He abundance drops below about 0.1 dex by mass fraction; vice versa, even a slight shift (in mass) of the border of the convective core during the last part of the central He burning could appreciably alter the final C abundance. Hence, we stress that it is wiser to discuss the advanced evolutionary phases as a function of the C abundance left by the He burning rather than as a function of the efficiency of the 12C(alpha,gamma)16O reaction rate. Only a better knowledge of this cross section and/or the physics of the convective motions could help in removing the degeneracy between these two components. We also prolonged the evolution of the two 25 M_sun stellar models up to the core collapse and computed the final explosive yields.

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