Dynamics of Localized Moments in Metals. III. Exchange Vertex Corrections and the Bloch Equation Parameters

The exchange vertex correction to the dynamic uniform transverse conduction-electron susceptibility χee+(ω) is calculated in a dilute magnetic alloy. The relation between the magnetic resonance linewidth 1T2 and the longitudinal relaxation rate 1T1, as calculated by Overhauser, is carefully examined. It is shown that 1T2 equals the sum of the imaginary parts of the "up" and "down" conduction-electron self-energies plus the vertex correction. The latter equals in magnitude the frequency-modulation contribution to 1T2 and its inclusion results in an equality of T1 and T2, guaranteeing rotational invariance. An additional feature of our results is that the form of χee+(ω) is that appropriate to exchange relaxation to the instantaneous local field.