Fine structure of nigral and pallidal afferents in the thalamus: An em autoradiography study in the cat

Ultrastructural characteristics and distribution of nigral and pallidal axon terminals on thalamic neurons were studied after injections of tritiated leucine into substantia nigra and entopeduncular nucleus respectively.Adult cats received 0.1–0.2‐μl injections of 2, 3, 4, 5, 3H‐leucine in a concentration 60 μCi/μl and were allowed to survive for 4–5 days. The brain tissue was processed for electron (EM) and light microscopic (LM) autoradiography. EM samples were obtained from the ventral medial and ventral anterior thalamic nuclei. Ultrastructural features of labelled nigral and pallidal boutons were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively.Ultrastructural characteristics of nigral and pallidal boutons appeared similar. Their length along postsynaptic membrane ranged from 0.8 to 10 μm, with average length of apposition around 2 μm. Both types of bouton contained small clear vesicles of extremely variable shape and formed symmetrical type contacts. Mean diameter of synaptic vesicles profiles (n = 500) was 32.5 nm and 33.3 nm in nigral and pallidal terminal respectively, and mean vesicle profile areas were 846 nm2 in nigral terminals and 878m2 in pallidal. Both parameters showed normal distribution in percentage distribution histograms. The mean ratios of longest and shortest diameters was 1.6 for synaptic vesicles in both types of boutons.Thus, no significant differences in morphological parameters of nigral and pallidal axon terminals were discovered except that pallidal afferents often formed “en passant”‐type synapses while nigral did not. However, this feature alone is not sufficient for distinction between the two types of termi‐nals in unlabelled tissue.Analysis of distribution of synaptic sites showed that only pallidal bou‐tons formed axosomatic synapses on thalamocortical projection neurons (TCPN), which comprised 21% of total number of pallidal terminals studied. On primary dendritic trunks of TCPN the proportion of nigral boutons was larger (28.8%) as compared to pallidal (19%). The percentage of both types of bouton contacting secondary TCPN dendrites was similar (36% pallidal, 30.6% nigral), while the proportion of nigral terminals on tertiary TCPN den‐drites was larger (23.6% versus 13%). Both afferents revealed a tendency to synapse preferentially at the branching points of TCPN dendrites with sev‐eral boutons often found along the perimeter of the branching site. Small but equal proportions (8%) of both types of axon terminal were found to synapse on vesicle‐containing dendrites of local circuit neurons. Nigral boutons were also found in complex synaptic arrangements in glomeruli.It is concluded that the organizations of pallidal and nigral afferent in‐puts in the thalamus are rather similar. Both occupy strategic positions which would allow them to exert strong influence on the firing pattern of TCPN.