Of 17 tetanus patients exhaustively studied from the clinical and roentgenographic point of view, 15 presented spinal lesions. The lesions were observed at the level of the fourth, fifth, and sixth thoracic vertebrae, though the grossest damage was suffered by the fifth thoracic vertebra. In six patients one vertebra was affected; in three, two vertebrae; in three, three vertebrae; and in two, four vertebrae. The severity of the lesions varied from slight damage undiagnosed by the clinician and revealed only by roentgenography, to serious alterations requiring orthopedic correction. Due to the frequency of spinal lesions, every tetanus patient should have a thorough roentgenographic examination before discharge in order to eliminate any possibility of spinal sequellae. Obligatory immunization of the total child population is the only effective prophylactic measure for the control of spinal lesions in tetanus.