A critical review is given of the principal machines used for high energy therapy, namely the resonant transformer, the 2 mev Van de Graaff, the Co60 apparatus, the linear accelerator and the main types of betatron. The latter include the Siemens 15-17 mev, the Allis Chalmers 24 mev and the Brown Boveri 31-35 mev machines. An attempt is made to compare the performance and therapeutic value of the various types of machine and to arrive at an estimate of relative cost in treating for example an average patient to a tumor dose of 5000 r. The cost per patient is about the same for the linear accelerator and cobalt units while that for the betatron (using x-rays) is considerably higher, due to relatively low x-ray output. Electron therapy, for which the betatron is admirably suited, has attractive features and the physical characteristics of this form of treatment are discussed.

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