A quantitative autoradiographic study of 125I atrial natriuretic factor in the heart of a teleost fish (Conger conger)

Quantitative receptor autoradiographic study of 125I-atrial natriuretic peptide factor (ANF) in the heart of a teleost fish Conger conger has shown that a heterogenous distribution of 125I-ANF binding exists in the different cardiac regions. Elevated ANF binding densities (3,790 fmol/mg protein) were encountered in the innermost layer (tunica intima) of the bulbus arteriosus while lower binding levels (293–403 fmol/mg protein) were revealed in atrium and ventricle. In order to determine 125I-ANF binding characteristics (KD, Bmax) in the above cardiac sites, saturation binding assays were carried out. The results show that low 125I-ANF KD values (28.8–52.6 pM) were found in the atrium and in the bulbus arteriosus with respect to the higher KD values (373 pM) of the ventricle. The number of binding sites were respectively 632 and 1,279 fmol/mg protein for the atrium and the ventricle, while a substantially elevated Bmax of 7,235 fmol/mg protein was found for the bulbus arteriosus. These results may furnish some insights concerning ANF receptor binding activity and its putative regulatory role of different cardiac functions.