Nowhere precipitousness of some ideals

In this paper we will present a simple condition for an ideal to be nowhere precipitous. Through this condition we show nowhere precipitousness of fundamental ideals on Pkλ, in particular the non-stationary ideal NS under cardinal arithmetic assumptions.In this section I denotes a non-principal ideal on an infinite set A. Let I+ = PA / I (ordered by inclusion as a forcing notion) and IX = {YA: YXI}, which is also an ideal on A for XI+. We refer the reader to [8, Section 35] for the general theory of generic ultrapowers associated with an ideal. We recall I is said to be precipitous if ⊨I+ “Ult(V, Ġ) is well-founded” [9].The central notion of this paper is a strong negation of precipitousness [1]:Definition. I is nowhere precipitous if IX is not precipitous for every X ∈ I+ i.e., ⊨I+ “Ult(V, Ġ) is ill-founded.”It is useful to characterize nowhere precipitousness in terms of infinite games (see [11, Section 27]). Consider the following game G(I) between two players, Nonempty and Empty [5]. Nonempty and Empty alternately choose XnI+ and YnI+ respectively so that XnYnn+1. After ω moves, Empty wins the game if⋂n<ωXn=⋂n<ωYn = Ø.See [5, Theorem 2] for a proof of the following characterization.Proposition. I is nowhere precipitous if and only if Empty has a winning strategy in G(I).

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