The Evanston Dental Caries Study

This paper was prepared to show the approx. location of areas where F is prevalent in communal water supplies, and in what strengths, and the number of people in the U. S. who are drinking or have access to a communal water supply in which F is a natural constituent. The material for this study was obtained from the Chief Sanitary Engineers of each State Health Department and the District of Columbia, and the data were segregated into 4 groups: (1) those listing F content of communal water supplies of cities, towns and villages, (2) those now conducting F detns. on communal water supplies, (3) those showing all water supplies to be free from F, and (4) those showing F content of rural areas which were not considered in these tabulations. The municipalities having a high F content are found in 9 states, with the greatest number in Texas and the next greatest number in S. Dakota. There are approx. 5,646,897 people in the U. S. having access to a communal water supply containing F in the amt. of 0.5 ppm. or more. 2,195,115 people are in the F concn. bracket of 0.9 to 2 ppm. In the 2.1 to 3 ppm. there are 127,243 people. Municipalities of high F content, 5.1 ppm. and higher, number only 25 and the number of people ex-posed to a high level of F is 40,151.