A survey has been made of the differential scattering cross sections for 187-Mev electrons on the even-even nuclei Mg2412, Si2814, S3216, A4018, and Sr8828. It has been possible to separate the elastic scattering from the inelastic in all cases and to resolve the inelastic groups from specific nuclear levels for at least one level in all cases. A simple Born-approximation analysis of the elastic data yields values of the effective radii and surface thicknesses of the nuclear charge densities which (if suitably corrected for failure of the Born approximation) are in substantial agreement with the results of Hahn, Ravenhall, and Hofstadter; i.e., a radius parameter of c1.08 A13×1013 cm (radius to half-maximum of the charge distribution) and a surface thickness of t2.5×1013 cm (thickness from 10% to 90% of the maximum of the charge distribution). Phenomenological analysis of the inelastic scattering along the lines laid down by Schiff yields some tentative multipolarity assignments, and application of some results of Ravenhall yields estimates of (radiative) partial level widths; for the E2 transitions these correspond to lifetimes of ∼19×1013 sec (Mg 1.37 Mev) to ∼1.4×1013 sec (Sr 1.85 Mev). The observed strengths of the transitions are compared to those predicted by Weisskopf theory.