Electrical Resistivity ofPdFeAlloys

The electrical resistivity ρ of a series of ferromagnetic PdFe alloys varying in composition from 1 to 12 at.% Fe was measured from 4.2 to 300 °K. The data were analyzed by subtracting from the measured ρ values, the value of the electrical resistivity of a sample of 99. 999+%-purity Pd at each temperature. From these values of the incremental resistivity Δρ we have obtained the temperature-dependent part by subtracting its limiting low temperature value (at 4.2-°K). The reuslting temperature- and concentration-dependent resistivity ρm has the following properties: For alloys of Fe concentration c2 at.%, ρmAT2 up to about 40 °K in all but the highest-concentration alloys studied. Above this temperature we find a T32 law up to the ferromagnetic ordering temperature TC except in alloys with c6 at.%, where the temperature dependence is faster above 0.7TC. A 1 at.% alloy sample had a low-temperature behavior intermediate between the T2 behavior of the higher-concentration alloys and the T32 behavior observed in alloys with Fe concentration less than 1 at.%. The coefficient A of the low-temperature T2 dependence of ρm increases approximately linearly with Fe concentration, and at 2 at.% is about seven times as large as the value found in pure Pd. These results suggest that electron-magnon scattering is the dominant scattering mechanism determining ρm. Our data, above 2 at.% Fe, are best interpreted in terms of a model in which the PdFe alloys are considered to be approximately magnetically homogeneous with an effective, concentration-dependent "sd" exchange interaction. In terms of this model, the expected correlation between the coefficient A and the spin-wave excitation spectrum, at low temperatures, is shown to exist.