Comparison of surface and bulk room temperature domain structure of barium titanate ceramics using x-ray diffraction

The surface of a material may be considered as different from the bulk because of the presence of the discontinuity of the existing phase(s). This ‘surface phase’ may have different characteristics than those of the bulk. This study characterizes the differences between the surface and the bulk domain structure of BaTiO3 ceramics at room temperature using x-ray diffraction before and after the ceramics were subjected to external mechanical stress field on the surface and/or external electrical stress field in the bulk. Two x-rays of different wavelengths, one from Cu-Kα source (λ = 1.542 Å) and another from Mo-Kα (λ = 0.711 Å) source were utilized. The use of this technique as a method for quantifying the degree of poling is suggested. A strong influence of stress conditions on the final properties of the thin films and the interfaces of ferroic materials is predicted.