Local blood flow, oxygen tension, and oxygen consumption in the rat spinal cord

A reliable and reproducible microelectrode technique provided consistent simultaneous measurements of local spinal cord blood flow (local SCBF), tissue oxygen tension (TO2), and tissue oxygen consumption (TO2C) in the rat. Local SCBF was measured by the hydrogen clearance technique, local TO2 was measured polarographically, and local TO2C was calculated from the declining slope of local TO2 following temporary arrest of local SCBF. Mean local TO2 values varied only slightly between gray and white matter, while local TO2C and SCBF maintained a 3 to 1 ratio between gray and white matter areas. Measurements were also made of these parameters in specific white matter tracts and laminae of Rexed. Local white matter SCBF was relatively homogeneous throughout the ventral, lateral, and dorsal funiculi. Gray matter blood flow was more variable with topography. The highest local SCBF was recorded in areas rich in internuncial neurons. The somatic motor regions had values slightly higher than recorded in sensory regions.