Differential Expression of the Carbonic Anhydrase Genes for CA VII (Car7) And CA-RP VIII (Car8) in Mouse Brain

The spatial expression patterns of the two α-carbonic anhydrase genes, CA VII and CA-RP VIII (called Car7 and Car8 in the mouse) were examined in the mouse brain by in situ hybridization. These two genes are the most highly conserved evolutionarily among the mammalian α-CAs. Both genes showed a similarly wide expression pattern in the brain. In the cerebrum, mRNA expression was detected in the pia, choroid plexus, and neurons of the cortical layer, thalamus, and medial habenulae. A high level of expression appeared in the pyramidal and granular cells of the hippocampus. In the cerebellum, both Car7 and Car8 were transcribed to different degrees in the Purkinje cells, and a lower expression level occured in the molecular and granular cell layers. Transcription signals for both genes were excluded from the white matter regions.