Is HIV/Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention Counseling Effective Among Vulnerable Populations?

The objective of this study was to evaluate counseling efficacy among high-risk groups. We conducted a subset analysis of data collected from July 1993 through September 1996 during a randomized, controlled trial (Project RESPECT). Participants (n = 4328) from 5 public U.S. sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics were assigned to enhanced counseling, brief counseling, or educational messages. For 9 subgroups (sex, age, city, education, prior HIV test, STD at enrollment, race/ethnicity, injection drug use, exchanging sex for money/drugs), we compared STD outcomes for those assigned either type of counseling with STD outcomes for those assigned educational messages. After 12 months, all subgroups assigned counseling (brief or enhanced) had fewer STDs than those assigned educational messages. STD incidence was similar for most subgroups assigned enhanced or brief counseling. All subgroups had an appreciable number of STDs prevented per 100 persons counseled, especially adolescents (9.4 per 100) and persons with STD at enrollment (8.4 per 100). HIV/STD prevention counseling (brief or enhanced counseling) resulted in fewer STDs than educational messages for all subgroups of STD clinic clients, including high-risk groups such as adolescents and persons with STDs at enrollment.