ESR Study of Unusual Magnetic Ordering in the Frustrated Ising-Like Antiferromagnet, CsCoCl3

ESR study is performed to elucidate crucial roles of characteristic domain-wall solitons in the title substance. The ESR signal due to Co 2+ spins at propagating domain-walls which we term the soliton signal exhibits the temperature-dependent linewidth proportional to exp (-| J |/ k T ), evidencing the collisional effect of the thermally excited solitons in the frustrated chains. A small amount of Mn impurities weakens the soliton signal very effectively without giving any change in the line width. A stngle hyperfine-structured signal due to the doped Mn 2+ spins is also observed, presenting rich information concerning the unusual spin dynamics of the host system. An additional sharp signal is newly observed in the pure and doped samples. Its behavior is very similar to that of the soliton signal. The origin of the sharp signal, however, is still unclear.