Lymphagioma of the tongue. A review of pathogenesis, treatment and the use of surface laser photocoagulation

Lymphangiomas of the tongue are rare tumours. Several reports of this interesting condition have appeared in the literature with varying modalities of treatment being employed to control tongue sizew. We present here our experinece with seven children who have lymphagiomas of the head and neck with tongue involvement seen over the past eight years. If the tongue is large with protrusion outside the lip margins, we advocata early tongue reduction so as to promote proper speech and deglutition, reduce of orthodontic problems and achieve good cosmesis. However, the naturel history of these tumours is one of recurrent tongue enlargement secondary to infection and trauman, irrespective of surgical reduction. We describe our technique of surface CO2 laser photocoagulation which has been successfully employed in controlling tongue size and removing superficial lymphangioma in all our patients. We propose therefore that this should be the mainstay of follow-up therapy in lingual lymphangiomas.