Surfactant Protein D Binds Selectively toKlebsiella pneumoniaeLipopolysaccharides Containing Mannose-Rich O-Antigens

Surfactant protein D (SP-D) plays important roles in the regulation of innate immune responses in the lung. We have previously shown that SP-D can agglutinate and enhance the macrophage-dependent killing of specific unencapsulated phase variants of Klebsiella pneumoniae. In the present studies, we used 16 clinical isolates of Klebsiella representing four O-serotypes and examined the interaction of SP-D with their isolated LPSs. Although SP-D bound to the core oligosaccharide of rough LPS from all isolates, it selectively bound to smooth forms of LPS expressed by O-serotypes with mannose-rich repeating units in their O-polysaccharides. SP-D was more potent in agglutinating unencapsulated phase variants of O-serotypes expressing these SP-D “reactive” O-polysaccharides, and more effectively inhibited the adhesion of these serotypes to lung epithelial cells. This novel anti-adhesion activity required the multimerization of trimeric SP-D subunits (dodecamers). Klebsiella serotypes expressing “nonreactive” LPS O-Ags were isolated at a significantly higher frequency from patients with K. pneumoniae. Our findings suggest that SP-D plays important roles in the clearance of opportunistic Gram-negative bacteria and contributes to known serotypic differences in the pathogenicity of Klebsiella through specific interactions with O-polysaccharides.