Unconventional magnetic transitions in the mineral clinoatacamiteCu2Cl(OH)3

Unconventional magnetic properties are found for a quantum spin system of mineral clinoatacamite, Cu2Cl(OH)3. Clinoatacamite is found to undergo an antiferromagnetic transition at 18.1K with a small entropy fall (0.05Rln2). At temperatures below 6.4K, it transits into a disordered spin-glass-like state but with large specific heat anomalies. The entire entropy fall for the spin system is about 0.31Rln2, which is smaller than those for dipolar spin ice (0.67Rln2) and for ice Ih (0.71Rln2). Geometric frustration for the quantum Cu2+ spins is suggested based on its crystal structure, magnetization, and specific heat studies.