The aggregation of rabbit peritoneal exudate polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs) was investigated by following total particle number with time, in a shaken suspension. Aggregation was rapid and essentially complete by 30 min, but could be inhibited by microtubule-blocking agents, adenosine and methyl xanthines. The addition of cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cAMP), or its dibutyryl derivative, also inhibited aggregation slightly, but guanosine nucleotides had no significant effect. By consideration of the maximum inhibition brought about by colchicine or theophylline alone, or the two in combination, it appears that they act at different sites to inhibit aggregation, though the effects of either were partially reversed by the addition of adenine. Adenine, lumicolchicine and high concentrations of vinblastine sulphate (10-4 M), enhanced aggregation.