SUMMARY: Post-anthesis trends in yield and forage quality of dry matter in components of the maize shoot were studied in experiments with barren and fertile plants grown at 10 plants/m2. In fertile plants, which had a maximum shoot DW 6 or 7% higher than barren ones, the stems (including leaf sheaths) yielded 5 t/ha (42% shoot DW) 30 days after flowering, declining to 3·5 t/ha (26% DW) at final harvest 60 days later. During this period the ear increased by more than 4 t/ha, from 23 to 50% of shoot DW, whereas in barren plants there was little change in DM distribution, with the stem representing about 48% shoot DW, leaf and husk together 40–45% and the ear (rachis only) less than 10%. DM percentage of shoots was similar in barren and fertile plants until maximum DW was attained about 60 days after flowering, after which fertile plants dried more rapidly. In vitro dry matter digestibility was as high in barren as in fertile plants, and the analytical data on forage quality do not suggest that it was positively associated with grain content.