Sulfur Supplement and in Vitro Digestion of Forage Cellulose by Rumen Microorganisms

Twenty-four hour in vitro incubations were used to determine the effect of adding various amounts of elemental sulfur or L-methionine on digestion of cellulose from either wood cellulose (Solka-floc), Kentucky 31 (Ky 31) tall fescue, Kenhy tall fescue or Boone Orchard-grass (OG). Wood cellulose digestion was stimulated above the control by the addition of both sulfur sources, but L-methionine produced a greater (P<.05) stimulation than did elemental sulfur. Added sulfur in the form of either elemental or L-methionine was an effective means of increasing the cellulose digestion of Ky 31 and Kenhy tall fescue. Significant (P<.05) differences in cellulose digestion were found between Ky 31 and Kenhy samples collected in June, August and October. Cellulose digestion of June-collected samples was also significantly (P<.05) greater than for October samples. Kenhy and Ky 31 fescue both had greater sulfur contents than OG. However, both tall fescues responded to sulfur additions, whereas OG did not. Therefore, the availability of sulfur in Ky 31 and Kenhy tall fescue appeared to limit microbial activity necessary for optimum cellulose digestion. Copyright © 1976. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1976 by American Society of Animal Science.