The nature and nomenclature of hydrous nickel-containing silicates

Nickel ions play similar roles to magnesium ions in nickel-containing hydrous layer silicates. The extent of the replacement of Mg by Ni ranges from small proportions to complete, or almost complete, replacement. Particular interest attaches to the micro-crystalline, clay grade, minerals formed by processes of lateritic weathering. The multiplicity of names proposed in pre-X-ray-diffraction times must be re-evaluated in terms of modern identification procedures. Many of these minerals can now be placed in series such as: Garnierite is now used mainly as a field term, prior to more specific identification, and terms such as 7 Å- and 10 Å-garnierite are useful when identification can proceed no further than recognition of basal spacings. Further study is required of schuchardtite, and of nickel-containing smectites and sepiolites. Consideration also must be given to the composition ranges of the end-member names.