The mechanisms involved in the prolongation of the oestrous cycle following LH administration were studied in 4-day cyclic female Wistar rats. In females injected with LH on the morning of dioestrus I there was an increase in ovarian venous blood progesterone as compared with non-injected animals. In both LH-treated females, and those injected with progesterone on the morning of dioestrus I, a slowing up in follicular growth was observed from the afternoon of dioestrus I. The size of follicles greater than 400 urn present in LH or progesterone injected animals on the third day of cycle was similar to the size reached by the same range of follicles in non-injected animals on the second day of the cycle. Hence, the increase in endogenous ovarian progesterone elicited by LH was considered as the cause of the slowing up of follicular growth and therefore of the lengthening of the oestrous cycle duration in female rats injected with LH at the beginning of 4-day cycle.