Interpretation of Quasifree Proton-Deuteron Scattering

Proton-deuteron inelastic scattering is studied in impulse approximation, using the formalism of Cromer. The S-wave final-state interaction of the two target nucleons is included. Expressions are evaluated for a scattering energy of 142 MeV. The results for quasifree scattering are compared with calculations of Everett. Results for quasifree pp scattering are compared with measurements of cross section, polarization, and triple-scattering parameters R and A. Agreement for all but cross section is good, that for cross section is qualitatively right. Results for quasifree pn scattering are used to obtain corrections relating quasifree measurements of P, R, A, and D to the free np parameters. These corrections are applied to the existing measurements of P, R, and A. Frequently, the corrections are larger than the experimental errors, and must be made before the data can be interpreted as np data. Scattering in which the target nucleons are left in a relative singlet spin state is considered, polarization parameters are evaluated, and methods for measuring them discussed.