Feulgen's Reaction Applied to Protozoa and Small Worms, MountedIn Totoin Venetian Turpentine

Permanent mounts of certain protozoa and small worms are obtained as follows: Kill suspensions of the organ isms with Feulgen''s fixative for 3-24 hrs. Pipette off fixative, add successively 70% iodized alcohol; ditto, 30 min. later; 50%, then 35% alcohol; 2 baths distilled water; normal HC1. Transfer to cold water and heat to 60[degree] C. for 4-5 min. or longer. Cool under running water; and wash in distilled water. Stain 1-3 hrs. in Feulgen''s fuchsin H2SO3. Pass through 3 baths of 200 cc. distilled water with 10 cc. normal HC1 and 1 gm. NaHSO3 and alcohol grades. Counterstain with fast green FCF, orange G, or eosin Y in 95% alcohol. Pass through 2 changes of absolute alcohol. Transfer to 10% Venetian turpentine and place in a desiccator; mount after the turpentine has become concentrated. For sections go to paraffin of MP. 56[degree] C. with 3% beeswax.

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