Calibration, Intersampler Comparison, and Field Application of a New PM-10 Personal Air-Sampling Impactor

The MS&T personal impactor is designed to provide a particle size cut (d 50%) of 10 μm in aerodynamic diameter (PM-10) at a flow rate of 4 L/min. Data are presented that verify the designed particulate mass cut specifications of this impactor for personal sampling. These data are derived from three different analyses', laboratory calibration, intersampler comparison, and field application. Laboratory calibration using monodispersed liquid aerosol shows a sharp 10-μm particle cut size. The performance of the personal impactor was tested using ambient and combustion-generated aerosols. Established PM-10 samplers (the Sierra/Andersen dichotomous and the MS&T indoor air sampler impactor) were run side by side with the personal impactor. The intra- and intersampler vari-abilities in PM-10 measurements were evaluated. Results showed good precision among personal impactors (CV = 3.2%). The PM-10 sampled by the personal impactor was found to be highly correlated with measurements made with the indoor air sampler impactor (r 2 = 0.99) and the dichotomous sampler (r1 = 0.97). The impactor was subsequently employed for personal air sampling in the Total Human Environmental Exposure Study (THEES). The THEES sampling protocol entailed 24-hour sampling during a 14-day study interval. THEES field measurements included indoor, outdoor, and personal PM-10 samples. The personal impactor measurements for 13 participants were predicted by a time-weighted exposure model using indoor and outdoor PM-10 and specific activity variables (p < 0.01).