Rapid Core-to-Peripheral Tissue Heat Transfer During Cutaneous Cooling

Perioperative thermal manipulations are usually directed at the skin surface because methods of directly warming the core are invasive or ineffective. However, inadequate heat flow between peripheral and core compartments will decrease the rate at which core temperature changes. We therefore determined whether core hypothermia is delayed after initiation of surface cooling. Six volunteers were anesthetized with propofol and midazolam, and maintained under three layers of passive insulation for 2.5-4 h. Subsequently, the skin surface was cooled using forced air, 1000 L/min, at 10 degrees C. Isoflurane was added as necessary to maintain arteriovenous shunt vasodilation. Overall heat balance was determined from the difference between cutaneous heat loss (thermal flux transducers) and metabolic heat production (oxygen consumption). Average arm and leg (peripheral) tissue temperatures were determined from 19 intramuscular needle thermocouples, 10 skin temperatures, and "deep" foot temperature. Overall body heat content decreased approximately 234 kcal during 2.5 h of active cooling. Core temperature, which was nearly constant before active cooling, decreased approximately 1.3 degrees C/h. There was no delay between initiation of active cooling and the decrease in core temperature. Furthermore, peripheral (arm and leg) and core (trunk and head) tissue heat contents decreased at virtually the same rates: approximately 50 kcal/h and approximately 47 kcal/h, respectively. These data indicate that there is little restriction of heat flow between peripheral and core tissues in vasodilated, anesthetized subjects.