Room temperature CW operation of GaInAsP/InP double heterostructure diode lasers emitting at 1.5 μm grown by low pressure metalorganic chemical vapour deposition (LP-MO CVD)

Room temperature continuous wave (CW) operation at 1.5 μm has been achieved in GaInAsP/InP DH lasers fabricated on material grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapour deposition (LP-MO CVD). Threshold currents as low as 200 mA DC have been measured for devices with a stripe width of 9 μm and a cavity length of 300 μm. Values of To as high as 64 K have been obtained, where To is defined by the expression Jth(T) = Jth(0) exp (T/To). Fundamental transverse mode oscillation has been achieved up to an output power of 10 mW.

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