Liver Collagen-Type Characterization in Human Schistosomiasis

Liver biopsies of four patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis, two patients with schistosomiasis and chronic active hepatitis, two patients with chronic active hepatitis and four control patients with no clinical evidence of either disease, were examined by standard light microscopic techniques, electron microscopy and immunocytochemical staining for collagen type I, III and B. Pure schistosomiasis showed the classical “clay-pipe stem fibrosis” and granulomata composed of eosinophils, macrophages and lymphocytes. In that group, the hepatocellular damage was less conspicuous than in the groups with chronic hepatitis and was usually confined to the granulomatous or fibrotic areas. Destruction of the normal architecture and infiltration by macrophages and lymphocytes with severe damage of hepatocytes was found only in the cases of chronic active hepatitis, with or without associated schistosomiasis. Increased collagen deposits were demonstrated in all three groups. Types I, III and B were found in the enlarged portal triads and fibrotic septa. The intranodular or intralobular collagen stained negatively for type I and strongly positive for types III and B.