Matching conditions and Higgs boson mass upper bounds reexamined

Matching conditions relate couplings to particle masses. We discuss the importance of one-loop matching conditions in the Higgs boson and top quark sector as well as the choice of the matching scale. We argue for matching scales μ0,tmt and μ0,Hmax{mt,MH}. Using these results, the two-loop Higgs boson mass upper bounds are reanalyzed. Previous results for Λ few TeV are found to be too stringent, and a recent update is found to be wrong. For Λ=1019 GeV we find MH<180±4±5 GeV, the first error indicating the theoretical uncertainty and the second error reflecting the experimental uncertainty due to mt=175±6 GeV. Hence a Higgs boson mass of about 160–170 GeV certainly satisfies both upper and lower Higgs boson mass bounds for cutoff scales up to Λ=1019 GeV if mt=175 GeV. For such Higgs boson and top quark masses the renormalization group behavior of the minimal standard model does not require new physics to set in before the Planck scale.
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