In 48 cases with well-documented retinal vasculopathy, the therapeutic effect of cinnarizine and flunarizine over a period of several months to 3 years has been clinically evaluated. Objective measurements comprised determination of visual field and acuity, funduscopy, three-mirror funduscopy, and fluorangiography with determination of capillary leakage and circulation time. The most prominent features were disappearance of cotton wool nodules, improvement of visual function and capillary perfusion, inhibition of capillary leakage, and a positive hemokinetic effect in arteriolar, capillary, and venous beds. Degeneration of post-ganglionic fibers was partly restored. In some patients with glaucoma, the aspect of the optic disc was normalized. It is concluded that selective calcium-entry-blockers clearly improve tissue perfusion in ischemic areas.