Several types of learning increase open field activity in mice

Experimental and control groups of mice were initially matched on the basis of their open field activity. Experimental groups were trained in one of six types of learning tasks: (1) active avoidance conditioning with light and sound signals as conditioned stimuli and electric shocks as uncoditioned stimulus, (2) learning of a linear 5‐point maze, (3) learning of a T‐maze, (4) passive avoidance conditioning, (5) learning of non‐aggressive behavior, and (6) learning of aggressive behavior. In all cases, learning was associated with a significant increase of the open field activity over that of the untrained but otherwise similarly treated control mice. This effect was most marked during the learning phase and disappeared when the acquired behavior had become firmly established. It is suggested that several types of learning are associated with an increase of arousal level, possibly mediated by the activation of central catecholamine neurons.