In an intra‐individual crossover trial depressed patients were treated with the 5‐hydroxytryptamine (5‐HT) precursor Gtryptophan (GTP) and unilateral ECT, or with unilateral ECT alone. The oral dose of L‐TP was 6 g the day before ECT and 3 g on the day of ECT, 4 hours before the treatment. The seizure duration was measured on EEG records.The time of the electrical stimulation needed to induce generalized seizures was similar for both treatment alternatives. Thus L‐TP seems not to elevate the threshold to ECT‐induced convulsions.The mean duration of a seizure was significantly shorter when the patients were treated with L‐TP + ECT than when treated with ECT alone. It is suggested that L‐TP exerts an inhibitory influence on the ability to sustain epileptic activity.