LWIR 128*128 GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum well hybrid focal plane array

The authors describe the fabrication and performance of a new type of hybrid focal plane array (FPA). The hybrid consists of a 128*128 GaAs/AlGaAs superlattice multiple-quantum-well detector array with peak response at 7.7 mu m mated to a high-performance CMOS readout with direct injection input. The quantum-well infrared photodetector (QWIP) array was fabricated by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). Optical gratings were excluded to facilitate evaluation of the basic detector-technology. The mean D* at 78 K was 5.76*10/sup 9/ cm- square root Hz/W. Total FPA 1/f noise was negligible, as corroborated by imagery having minimum resolvable temperature (MRT) of 30 mK at 0.07 cycles/mrad. No gain nonuniformity correction was used in the imaging demonstration.<>

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