Immunological Cross-Reactivity of γ-Glutamyltranspeptidases from Human and Rat Kidney, Liver, and Bile1

Antisera to purified γ-glutamyltranspeptidase (γGTP) from human and rat kidney were prepared, and their reactivities toward purified γGTP from kidney, liver, and bile were tested. The following results were obtained: On double immunodiffusion, Triton-solubilized γGTP, and papain-solubilized γGTP from rat kidney gave single precipitin lines which fused completely against antiserum to the purified enzyme from rat kidney. An antigen-antibody complex of human kidney γGTP retained about 50% of the catalytic activity of the antigen. Double immunodiffusion showed that the enzymes from human liver, kidney, and bile were immunologically identical. Antiserum to rat kidney γGTP partially cross reacted with human γGTP, but antiserum to human γGTP reacted only very weakly with rat γGTP. It is concluded that γGTP of human liver, kidney, and bile are immunologically identical and that rat γGTP and human γGTP have certain antigenic determinants in common.