Double-Hairpin Elements in the Mitochondrial DNA of Allomyces: Evidence for Mobility

The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the chytridiomycete fungus Allomyces macrogynus contains 81 G+C-rich sequence elements that are 26–79 bases long and can be folded into a unique secondary structure consisting of two stem-loops. At the primary sequence level, the conservation of these double-hairpin elements (DHEs) is variable, ranging from marginal to complete identity. Forty of these DHEs are inserted in intergenic regions, 35 in introns, and 6 in variable regions of rRNA genes. Ten DHEs are inserted into other DHE elements (twins); two even form triplets. A comparison of DHE sequences shows that loop regions contain more sequence variation than helical regions and that the latter often contain compensatory base changes. This suggests a functional importance of the DHE secondary structure. We further identified nine DHEs in a 4-kb region of Allomyces arbusculus, a close relative of A. macrogynus. Eight of these DHEs are highly similar in sequence (90%–100%) to those in A. macrogynus, but only five are inserted at the same positions as in A. macrogynus. Interestingly, DHEs are also found in the mtDNAs of other chytridiomycetes, as well as certain zygomycete and ascomycete fungi. The overall distribution pattern of DHEs in fungal mtDNAs suggests that they are mobile elements.